What matters most (part I)

Priorities dictate our lives in a very real way; what we do, who we spend time with and what we spend our money on. Sometimes we prioritise the right things… and other times we allow the wrong things to take priority. But we must rethink what matters most to us. In part I of this sermon, we learn from Haggai 1:1-7 what happens when we have the wrong priorities.

Prior to the Book of Haggai being written, Jerusalem had been invaded by Babylon, the Israelites were in exile, and the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed. Sixty years later, King Cyrus led Persia to take over Babylon and allowed the Israelites to return to their homeland. 

Haggai was written by Haggai the prophet to the Jewish leaders, but also largely to the Jews instructing them to rebuild the temple. 

The Jews had been living back in Israel for sixteen years, but the people had yet to rebuild the temple also known as the Lord’s dwelling place. Not rebuilding the temple was a sign; a sign that the Israelites were neglecting God. So, Haggai was written to challenge the Israelites’ priorities. 

While God’s presence is no longer tied to the temple, we take His omnipresence for granted. Perhaps the temple in our heart is in need of rebuilding like the temple of Jerusalem… yet, we prioritise other things and avoid the true matter. Like the Israelites, we avoid what matters most through procrastination (verse 2) and bad priorities (verse 4). Yet, we know Jesus’ commands:

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)

What happens when we ignore what matters most? Negative effects including much being sown yet little harvest, and constant searching and yearning of the things of this world but never finding. So, let us set our hearts on what matters most. Let us “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Dear Lord,

Thank You for being the Lord of our lives. Thank You for accepting us into Your Kingdom as Your faithful subjects. Search my heart, Lord, and show me what matters most. Help me to prioritise You and Your Kingdom above other things. Allow me to live with You sitting at the throne of my heart. 

In Jesus’ mighty name we pray,