Kingdom People

There are times where we are on this walk with God and we feel burnt out. The reason that we feel this way is because we are running on empty fumes. As Christians we overlook the core and fuel of our faith which is Christ and how to live in a way that is worthy and pleasing to God. In Colossians 1:9-14, Paul teaches us the importance of being filled with God so we can live a life that is worthy for God as he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness into His Kingdom. Moreover, Paul prays for the Colossians to be filled with the knowledge of understanding that only God can give. We need to check within ourselves and reflect on what we’re being filled with as people who are a part of the Kingdom. There are two points that we can learn from this passage:

  1. Filled by the King (v.12-14)

    We are redeemed by Christ which means that we have been bought by Christ as we were slaves to sin. There was no way that we could redeem or free ourselves as it is very clear that the wages of sin is death. This reality of eternal punishment did not come to fruition because God wanted us to be free from the slavery of sin and to save us. Jesus’s death was accepted by God to pay for our sins. We have been delivered and rescued from darkness to the kingdom of God by Jesus’ death. We are qualified to be a part of God’s kingdom because of God alone. Through Christ’s death we are made qualified for heaven and we can call it home. To start this journey of living in a way that pleases God is through understanding God’s grace. When we are filled with this understanding it will allow us to know that we can’t live a life that is worthy for God without him in it.

  2. Walking in the Kingdom (v. 10-12)

    To walk with God as his people means that we bear fruit. Through hard situations and difficult times as believers we know that there are times where we react or respond in an unexpected manner. We know that this response or reaction does not come from within us but from the Holy Spirit. The spiritual wisdom and understanding comes from the Holy Spirit as he leads us to bear fruit (Galatians 5:22). We also grow in knowledge as we have a hunger to grow in the knowledge of God as we understand that he has made us worthy to be a part of his kingdom. The more that we walk as kingdom people, the more that we are strengthened with endurance and patience. At the end of the day, this walk with God is only made possible because of Him and we need to be thankful for this daily.

Dear God,

Thank you for making us worthy to be a part of your Kingdom through Jesus’ death. I pray that we remember that our worth comes from you as you have saved us from the kingdom of darkness. Father I pray, that we know that to live in a way that is pleasing to you is to look to you for guidance and understanding from the Holy Spirit. I pray that we are filled with you.

In Jesus’ mighty name,
