Radical Love

Jesus continues to teach us golden nuggets through his Sermon on the Mount. The further that we look into what Jesus speaks about, the more we understand that Jesus is not changing the law rather he shines a light on the true meaning and heart of these commandments. The focus of this week’s sermon is radical love which is based on Matthew 5:38-48. Jesus gives us a vision of love that those who are a part of the Kingdom should show. There are two points that are highlighted through this passage:

  1. Radical Love Over Justice

    The commandment that Jesus is shedding light on is known as the law of retaliation which is found in Deuteronomy 19:21. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth was an integral principle law in the Old Testament as it ensured that the punishment must fit the crime. The Pharisees misused this law by applying it to personal relationships which justified people’s actions by getting revenge and retaliating. Jesus calls us to show undeserved generosity as he tells us to turn the other cheek when someone slaps us. A slap across the face is seen as humiliation and insult against the other person. Jesus is showing us how to respond when we experience hurt and injustice. It’s clear that Jesus is telling us that we should not be the ones to determine the punishment of another when they hurt us personally rather we should seek to show love. When we turn the other cheek to those who hurt us we are certain about our identity in Christ so that the insult or hurt does not shake us. Jesus provides further examples of how we should respond when we experience injustice through verses 40-42. In these examples, they all radiate radical love as we are to overwhelm them with kindness when people take things from us, we are to take it an extra mile instead of dwelling on the injustice and we are to give without thinking of what we’ll get in return or when we know that we’ll get nothing back. When we respond in these ways, we are allowing Jesus to show us the true vision of love. Let us take on the suffering willingly as we know that God is our defender.

  2. Radical Love Over Tribalism

    Tribalism is behaviour and attitudes that stem from the strong loyalty to one’s own tribe or group. Jesus is highlighting that anyone can love those that are a part of their family or social group. The challenge is loving those outside our social groups and our families. Jesus calls us to love everyone which includes enemies (Matthew 5:44). Jesus continually drives the two commandments that drive scripture, to love God and to love others. God’s desire has always been to love those that we don’t get along with or have caused us suffering (Exodus 23:4-5). Just like the love that God has shown to us (undeserving of his love), we need to love others in the same way so that we can be light and salt in this world. Differences are not made when we love people in the same way that worldly people do. Love should not be contained to our own tribes, but also to people outside of our tribe so they can understand the love of Christ.

Father God,

Thank you for showing us radical love first so that we in turn can show that same love to those around us. I pray that we continue to look to the heart of your commandments. I pray that we can give up our right to retaliate or to take revenge against those that hurt us even when that seems to be the easy way. I pray we can respond in the way that Christ has shown us through this passage.

In Jesus’s name,
