Does God Exist?

"Does God exist?" This is an incredible question which most, if not all us have asked ourselves at least once in our lives. Regardless of whether you believe He exists or not, we hope that this sharing will help you to ponder on some big questions such as this.

Did Jesus exist?

When we’re taught history in school, we don't learn by going back in time using a time machine. But we learn by reading history books. Books filled with content that’s been validated by historians who’ve poured over documented eye-witness accounts written by those present at the time of the event, or by those who heard about the event. Similarly, we don't learn about the existence about Jesus by going back in time to witness his existence, but we read the eye witness accounts from people who were there when Jesus was alive. Accounts like the gospel letters.

Some could argue that the Gospel letters are bias as the readers were believers but we know that even non-Christians sources affirmed the existence of Jesus. If we conclude that Jesus didn't exist despite the eyewitness accounts documented by the gospels and other non-Christian sources, then we would have to question the credibility of other records of ancient historical events which were documented in the same way.

Did Jesus die?

So, it’s one thing to prove that Jesus existed. It’s another to prove that he actually died. If Jesus did not die, then He could not have resurrected. And if He were not resurrected, then there would be no basis for Christianity.

There was one popular theory that arose in the 18th and 19th century regarding the validity of Jesus’ death. Supporters of this belief argued that Jesus never actually died but was simply wounded. However, this theory is no longer supported, as it would have been impossible for Jesus to survive the events of crucifixion and a three-day burial. Moreover, a half dead Jesus would not have generated an awesome response from His disciples as claiming Him to be the "Risen Lord". 

In addition, it would be unlikely that the Romans would have half killed Jesus, yet document that they pierced his side, till water flowed out, and crucified Him. What would they gain? They would have more to lose from lying. It’s only reasonable to conclude that Jesus died.

Did Jesus resurrect from the dead?

Now, it’s one thing for Jesus to live and another thing for him to die. It’s yet another thing for him to resurrect from the dead. Being raised from the dead sounds impossible and many in the past argued against this idea that Jesus was raised from the dead because science wouldn’t permit such a thing. This belief is referred to as scientism, where everything can be tested and explained by science. But scientism in itself is self-defeating; not everything can be solved with science like morals and existence of souls. This also leads us to believe that science can’t explain everything. So even if being raised from the dead is scientifically impossible, it doesn’t mean it is irrational to believe that Jesus rose from the dead.

And if it is rational to believe that someone can rise from the dead, then we would have to consider the credibility of Biblical evidence that points to Jesus’ resurrection. If the disciples who wrote the gospels lied about Jesus’ resurrection, then they would not have risked their lives for a lie, unless they genuinely believed it to be true. Furthermore, in that time, female eye witness accounts were not credible sources of information, yet the gospels state that the first person to see that Jesus rose from the dead was a woman.

There are multiple theories that could explain how it would appear Jesus rose from the dead, without actually having rose from the dead, but most, if not all, of those theories can be disproven.

In conclusion, the above points cannot prove that God exists. However, they do uncover findings that would be reasonable to conclude that Jesus of the Bible lived, died and rose again. And if it is rational and possible for this to happen, then we can also draw the conclusion that God exists as the Bible also tells us Jesus was God. This is something that Christians believe based on a rational faith and a genuine personal relationship they have with Him.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank you that you have given us a mind to think and wrestle with the mysteries of this world. And in your loving grace, you have also shown your beauty to us though the life, death and resurrection of your Son. 

I pray this in Jesus’ might name,