Characteristics of a persevering Christian

Last week, our focus was on how to be submissive Christians, submitting our desires to God. This week, we look to James 5 to see the characteristics of a persevering Christian.

Persevering Christians are not distracted by wealth (verses 1-6)

Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you… Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. (James 5:1-4)

James begins this portion of this letter with a condemnation for certain believers who were deceiving and tricking others for the sake of building their wealth. There was no obstacle that could come in between them and their love of money for they loved luxury over love and self indulgence over selflessness. The author goes so far to say that through their trickery, they “condemned and murdered the innocent one”. All for the sake of living their lives how they wanted.

This isn’t so far from our lives today. Many aspire for great riches for the sake of living comfortably. And so, they strive to amass their wealth; to climb the ladder; to hustle and hurry. People assume that riches will ensure power, freedom, worth, and/or success. Yet, this isn’t how God sees wealth (and then neither should we).

For God, power can only come from his Spirit. Freedom can only come from the victory of death over sin, won by Jesus. Worth can only come from God who created the earth (and it’s inhabitants) with care and goodness, and who created all humans in his likeness. Success can only be defined by God’s true definition, which frees us from the oppressive ties of this world.

This is how we should perceive wealth to persevere in living as Christians.


  • How do you view money/worldly wealth?

  • Have you been living for self indulgence and luxury recently?

Persevering Christians are patient (verses 7-12)

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. (James 5:7-8)

The author of James boldly asks that believers be patient, looking towards Jesus’ second coming. The author likens this virtue to the patience of a farmer. Farmers are well versed in patience, from the sewing, nurturing and reaping process. Even with a number of unpredictable factors, farmers diligently tend to their crop or livestock to ensure a bountiful harvest. Like the farmer, we’re to focus on sowing and cultivating believers until Jesus’ second coming. Like the farmer, we’re not to grumble in impatience but continue the hard work of the Kingdom. And our reward? An eternal reward, greater than anything this world has to offer.


  • Does your currently lifestyle display that you are patiently waiting for Jesus' return or not?

Persevering Christians are prayerful (verses 13-19)

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise… The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:13-16)

Of the three characteristics mentioned here, this one might be the most important as it helps us attain the others. Prayer. Whether it’s a prayer of lament in times of trouble or prayer of praise in times of joy, the author of James encourages believers to pray. The author knew the power of prayer, displayed in the example of someone like Elijah. Elijah prayed prayers that even affected the weather! This is the power of earnest praying to the one true God. It’s important not to mistake prayer as manipulating God. Rather, because prayer works, we should pray. As we await Jesus’ return, let’s continue to pray, asking God to draw our eyes to him and away from the world’s desires. Let’s pray and ask the Holy Spirit for patience and perseverance until Jesus’ second coming.


  • Why is prayer important?

  • Has prayer been a chore for you or a lifestyle?

Heavenly Father,

I eagerly await your second coming where we will see the heaven and earth become one. Help me to focus on you and your ways. Help me to be patient as you are patient with me. Most importantly, help me to pray earnestly and in humility all the more until the Day draws near.

In Jesus’ mighty name,