Religion vs. Christianity Part 2

We’re continuing the series of religion versus Christianity and will focus on John 3:16-21. It’s clear that the focus of religion is all about what we can do to be accepted by God, but the focus of Christianity is knowing that we are only saved and a part of the Kingdom because of Jesus only. We will unpack three points from this passage of focus:

  1. Christianity is about God coming down to mankind whereas religion is mankind trying to reach God (v.16).

    The most famous verse that everyone can recite is John 3:16 which says that for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. It’s clear from this verse, that God loves all of humanity deeply. He loves us to the point that he sent his one and only Son so that humanity does not perish. When we look at what religion is all about, it’s rooted in humanity trying to gain favour from God however the root of Christianity is all about God initiating a relationship with humanity by removing the thing that separated us which is sin. There is no need to gain or earn God’s love because it’s evident that he loves us unconditionally. He loves humanity regardless of the state of humanity. He gave up his one and only Son to die for us so that we will not perish. He will save all who believe in Him.

  2. Christianity is about redemption whereas religion is about condemnation (v.17-18).

    Often, we can wonder how God is loving when only those who believe will be saved but what we need to understand that the current state of humanity is that we are all sinful and we are deemed guilty before God. None of us is righteous and Romans 3:9-20 drives this point home. We are already condemned and deserve punishment which is death. However, God is merciful and loving that he gave up Jesus who also was willing to take our punishment for us. God did not want his creation to be punished, he wants to redeem us. Therefore, as humans we have two options:


    -          The first being that we accept his son Jesus and be declared free from sin.

    -          The second being that we continue to live the way we want to which ultimately means that we are a slave to sin.

    Religion is all about human effort/works to save ourselves. It’s drilled into our minds that we must do certain things so that we can end up in heaven. Christianity is all about believing that Jesus has saved us. It’s a great reminder that to believe in Jesus means that we trust and committed to Jesus. Good works is just a result of us committing our lives to Jesus, it’s not because we are doing it to be saved. At the end of the day, God made us to have free will and a heart that is free to choose to love or rebel against him. Hosea 6:6 reminds us that God desires our hearts and love, he does not want sacrifices or offerings.

  3. Christianity is about living in light whereas religion is about living a lie (v. 19-21).

    People choose to reject Jesus because they don’t want to admit that they are living in sin, and they don’t want to give up their own ways. The religious leaders believed that they were living in the light, but they were living a lie as they wanted people to worship them and not God. It was all about praying and speaking publicly to show off not to bring people to God. Christianity leads to living in the light. Religion hides us from the light as we believe that we are doing right before God. We must acknowledge and confess our sins because at the end of the day God reaches out to us and we are only forgiven because of Jesus. As Christians, we must live in obedience if we don’t do this, we are hypocrites. It means that we do not practice what we preach. We need to understand that we are only saved because of Jesus and what’s clear is that we simply need to believe in Him.

Dear God,

Thank you for your mercy and unconditional love. I pray that we continually trust and commit our lives to Jesus and that we are reminded that salvation and forgiveness only comes from you alone. I pray that we do not hide behind our religion but we seek to love and know you more every day.

In Jesus’ name,
