How Can We Be Generous and Courageous?

It’s hard to be concerned for others. In this day and age, there’s so many problems and so little time; we believe there’s not enough to go around. And more people are driven by fear instead of courage. The passage of focus is John 6:1-21 and from this passage, we can see how we can be more generous and courageous in this world:

  1. We can be generous because Jesus provides us with our every need (v.1-15)

    A crowd started following Jesus after all the miracles and healing he performed. It came to a point where five thousand people were following him. Jesus asked his disciple, Philip, to find food for all the people in the crowd. Naturally, their first response was their financial concerns. They clearly did not have enough to cover all the people in the crowd. However, Jesus was only testing them as he already knew what he was going to do.

    Then, the disciples ventured out into the crowd and found a few pieces of bread and fish and gave them to Jesus. He multiplied the two fish and five pieces of bread to feed everyone in the crowd with even twelve baskets leftover. He provided more than enough.

    From the beginning, the disciples were not hospitable or looking out for the crowd. They thought of their limited funds and the impossibility of the situation. However, it’s clear that Jesus was in control of the situation the whole time. The only concern he had was of how to care for the people present. Oftentimes, we struggle to be generous because we are concerned about financial stability. Or, maybe we know that we won’t get anything in return when we give. Yet, God tells us not to worry because he will look after us just as he looks after the birds and flowers (Matthew 6:25-34). It’s our responsibility to be generous so people can experience God’s providence. We have all we need in Jesus and he covers all our needs so that we can be generous. Overall, we should be generous because God can and will fulfill all our needs.

  2. We can be courageous because Jesus is sovereign (v.16-21)

    After feeding the five thousand, Jesus slipped away from the crowd for some alone time. The disciples waited for Jesus on the shore but after waiting for him too long, they got into the boat. While traveling, the wind picked up and the seas began turning rough. Suddenly, like a ghost, Jesus walked on the water and came toward the disciples telling them to not be afraid.

    Sounds impossible. Yet, it’s clear that Jesus had (and has) authority and sovereignty over all creation (including us). If we believe that Jesus is sovereign over all things and we have no to limited control over our lives, it would be futile to do everything ourselves or live in constant fear and worry. However, is this not us? Oftentimes, we are driven by fear of people or situations. But we need to remember that God is in control, and as he is a good God, there is no need to be afraid. We can be courageous because our good God, who wants to give those who love him good things (Romans 8:28), is sovereign overall.

Father God,

Thank you for your love and care so that we don’t have to worry. I pray that we can learn to be generous and to put others’ needs before ours. I pray that we can be courageous and remember that in everything you are in control.

In Jesus’ name,